Search Engine Optimization
SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results. SEO Services are provided by companies who understand the algorithm and know how to optimize your site for it while following best SEO practices.
The Basic Categories of SEO
There are many different aspects of SEO Services. These processes are broken down into a few different categories:
Technical SEO
Technical SEO is the process of making sure a website is compatible with search engine crawlers. Many factors go into this process and it can be very technical, so you may want to enlist the help of an SEO company or someone who has expertise in SEO Services.
On-Page SEO
This is all about making sure that your website has the right content, tags, and internal links to rank higher in search engine results. This includes choosing the proper keyword phrases on each page of your site so you can be found by those looking for services like yours.
Off-Page SEO
Including link building with relevant websites (such as other businesses in your niche) and guest posting on high-quality sites will help increase traffic flow back to your site from others which increases rankings over time. The key here is not spamming or doing anything illegal but rather strategically working towards goals that benefit both parties involved - this way everyone.
Content SEO
This is arguably the most important aspect of SEO because it has to do with how your content is written. The goal here is not just to have high-quality, engaging content but also that a lot of people are reading and sharing this type of post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. LinkedIn can be an incredibly valuable tool in regards to getting more shares for any posts you publish there so make sure you're taking advantage!
Local SEO
IF you are a local business, you want to make sure that your SEO takes into account the city/region in which you are located. You don't have to use a different domain for each location but it is important to keep some of these geographic aspects in mind when building out an SEO strategy.
Mobile SEO
Sites need mobile-friendly formats so they can be easily accessed by any device and most importantly - not just smartphones! This way people visiting your site on their desktop computers, tablets or phones will all feel like they're getting the best possible experience from what you've got available online.
The Basic Steps to SEO
Know Your Audience
Who is going to be viewing your content? What questions might they have about what we offer here at our agency? Write down some words relevant to those topics (e.g., "SEO," "web design," etc.). Try googling phrases like "keyword research" if you're not sure where, to begin with, keywords for your business niche/industry segment.)
Find Relevant Keywords
Next, it is time to find the keywords to target. Use an SEO keyword tool like Google's AdWords Tool (available at or SEMRush (
Create Content with a Minimum of 2000 Words
Make sure that your content has a minimum of two thousand words, and make sure you include those relevant keywords where they are appropriate for context so that Search Engine Optimization can work in favor of your site when someone searches on one or more key phrases related to what you offer here at our agency.)
Keep Visitors On Your Site Longer Than Average Time by Providing Value
The best way to keep visitors scrolling through pages over and over again is to provide value. This will help you in terms of SEO and keeping people on your site for longer periods of time.)
Optimize Your Site
When optimizing a website, make sure that all images are optimized as well so they can be found quickly by search engines like Google Images or Bing Image Search. Include tags with keywords and relevant terminology where appropriate when you upload an image to the webserver. Make sure also that there is alt text accompanying the images; this information may not show up at first glance, but it helps immensely when someone searches for something related to one of those pictures which have gone through this optimization process.
SEO for Video
When you're in the process of creating a video, make sure to optimize it so that videos can be found as quickly and effectively on Google or Bing with their search engines. One way to do this is by putting your keyword phrase at least once every 60 seconds throughout the entirety of the video; also include tags using keywords where appropriate if you are uploading them onto a webserver - making sure there's alt text accompanying each video helps too when people search for related terms through Google Images or Bing Image Search.
SEO for Blogging
When you're writing new blog posts or editing existing articles, make sure to include keywords that are relevant to the content at least once every 100 words. These should be placed near the beginning of sentences so that it gives people using Google's search engine a better chance of finding what they're looking for when browsing your site - without this improved organization, someone might have to go through a lot more material before coming across something related to their current interests.
Should you Hire SEO Service for your Website?
Seo is not an easy task. It takes time and can be difficult to manage with other aspects of your business, especially if you have limited resources like funds and manpower. The decision on whether or not to hire an SEO service should depend on the type of website that is being created.
Here are some things you should consider first before hiring an SEO Service to work on your website.
- How much time are you willing to invest?
- What type of website is being created?
- Are there any SEO experts in your company who can help out with the project as well?

Choosing the Right SEO Service for You
Choosing who to hire can be difficult as there are many different companies out there advertising their services. To help make this decision easier for you we have some advice when choosing SEO Service:
The SEO Company should offer a range of expertise to make sure that they are the best fit for your website.
SEO Audit
This is something all service providers will do before any work begins on your site to see what needs improvement and get an idea about how long it may take to optimize the site.
Case Studies
Find out if they have experience with other similar clients and websites as yours so you can feel confident in their abilities.